Sunday, 7 April 2013

Baby 5: Week 34

How Far Along: 34 Weeks (6 weeks to go!)

How I'm Feeling: Despite how full I'm feeling right now, I'm feeling a little bit of energy. I'm waking up sooner and staying up a bit later. Okay, I'm also taking at least an hour to nap each day, but whatever. When I'm up I'm doing my best to play with kids even though I'm finding baby's feet are oppressing my lungs pretty consistently. I have a feeling I have another long baby nestled in here. He's busy kicking at all hours, particularly late at night and first thing in the morning. My back and hips are getting sore very easily too, but that's not terribly surprising considering the fact that I can practically feel my joints loosening and my ligaments stretching. Stretch and loosen all you want body. All the better to get this baby out quickly!

What I'm Thinking: I've started dreaming about delivery, which is exciting. I'm really dedicated to the idea of having another unmedicated labour, and as I've had, excluding all the colds, a remarkably easy pregnancy, I'm optimistic. So much of this pregnancy reminds me of my 4th one and that was the first time I managed to avoid an epidural. I feel strong enough to do it again. I want that faster recovery time, control while pushing, and lack of side affects. Plus, I want to get home to my other beautiful children faster. Having experienced it once, I know my wonderful husband has a better sense of exactly what I need to make sure I have another natural labour.

What I've Done This Week: This week I took full advantage of garbage day! I managed to clear out lots of broken and unusable stuff from the nursery (and other key locations in the house). I also made an appointment with a local charity that does pick-ups for donations. They're coming this Wednesday. I've got a pretty huge pile of bagged and boxed items for the big pick-up. It should only take one more day of hauling stuff out (with help from my dear hard working husband because what's left it by and large too heavy!) and we'll be ready to lay the flooring. I can't believe how much I accomplished in just a few days! What was keeping me???

What I Hope To Do Next Week: Because the charity doing a pick-up doesn't take big furniture, we'll have to get some help to drag out the bigger furniture we no longer need. We are finally taking our plan into action! All we'll have to do is get down the underlay and lay the flooring, then we can assemble the room. We have a crib waiting to be built, and all the other furniture is in there, so we're on the cusp of being ready. And not a moment too soon!

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