How Far Along: 28 Weeks (12 weeks to go!)
How I'm Feeling: Dare I to say that I'm actually feeling a bit better. I have a little hanging on of a cold, but compared to last week I'm pretty pleased. The kids are all feeling better except for baby girl, but she had her 18 month needles on Friday so most of that is just normal immune reactions. I was able to be up enough to cook supper for a nice big crowd on Saturday to celebrate biggest boy's upcoming 4th birthday. I was completely wiped by the end, but the fact that I made it through all the cleaning and prep, the cooking, and still enjoyed the party is a good sign I'm on the mend. Despite the weird health I've been having cold and flu wise, I'm excited to say I have once again passed the gestational diabetes test and even, and this is the real shocker, have excellent blood iron levels. Baby is measuring one week ahead, which has been the norm for now 5 pregnancies as I have quite a tall uterus tucked into my long waist. His heartbeat is also nice and strong, and he's kicking day and night. All in all we're both very healthy!
What I'm Thinking: My mind is on when our oldest boy arrived on the scene 4 years ago this Thursday. I remember how joyful and stress free his birth was, even though there was a huge snow storm coming and our oldest girl, who I missed terribly, was at home. Labour went swiftly and smoothly, and we were out by the next day. It was the day that I became the mother of a boy. The finest proof of that was that a mere hour after he was born he and his Dad watched their first hockey game together on a TV the nurse wheeled right into our delivery room. For my American friends, this is what passes as the highest care in Canada: Baby's born in a stress free environment, watching the Leafs win in your delivery room, followed by an early check-out to beat the inevitable snow fall. Everybody wins. I can only hope that this new baby, our third boy, will be lucky enough to have such an easy entry into our world.
What I Hope To Do Next Week: This week is biggest boy's birthday, so I suspect I'll spend most of the week getting ready for his big day. We'll also be bidding farewell to our Pope, and begin the agonising wait to see who is elected. Baby wise, I'm going to finish prepping his tiny diapers and washing up some baby clothes. I also have my bag to pack. Only 12 weeks to go!
How I'm Feeling: Dare I to say that I'm actually feeling a bit better. I have a little hanging on of a cold, but compared to last week I'm pretty pleased. The kids are all feeling better except for baby girl, but she had her 18 month needles on Friday so most of that is just normal immune reactions. I was able to be up enough to cook supper for a nice big crowd on Saturday to celebrate biggest boy's upcoming 4th birthday. I was completely wiped by the end, but the fact that I made it through all the cleaning and prep, the cooking, and still enjoyed the party is a good sign I'm on the mend. Despite the weird health I've been having cold and flu wise, I'm excited to say I have once again passed the gestational diabetes test and even, and this is the real shocker, have excellent blood iron levels. Baby is measuring one week ahead, which has been the norm for now 5 pregnancies as I have quite a tall uterus tucked into my long waist. His heartbeat is also nice and strong, and he's kicking day and night. All in all we're both very healthy!
What I'm Thinking: My mind is on when our oldest boy arrived on the scene 4 years ago this Thursday. I remember how joyful and stress free his birth was, even though there was a huge snow storm coming and our oldest girl, who I missed terribly, was at home. Labour went swiftly and smoothly, and we were out by the next day. It was the day that I became the mother of a boy. The finest proof of that was that a mere hour after he was born he and his Dad watched their first hockey game together on a TV the nurse wheeled right into our delivery room. For my American friends, this is what passes as the highest care in Canada: Baby's born in a stress free environment, watching the Leafs win in your delivery room, followed by an early check-out to beat the inevitable snow fall. Everybody wins. I can only hope that this new baby, our third boy, will be lucky enough to have such an easy entry into our world.
What I Hope To Do Next Week: This week is biggest boy's birthday, so I suspect I'll spend most of the week getting ready for his big day. We'll also be bidding farewell to our Pope, and begin the agonising wait to see who is elected. Baby wise, I'm going to finish prepping his tiny diapers and washing up some baby clothes. I also have my bag to pack. Only 12 weeks to go!
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